I also had a full week (well, Mon-Weds) of classes this week- no field trips to ridiculous chapels to see ancient frescos :( which was challenging by my new Florence standards, haha. I had an actual assignment due in my Gender Relations class that I actually spent a good chunk of time doing and I had my first Intermediate Italian quiz on Weds (which was veryyy easy, although I mis-conjugated the passato prossimo of "prendere" as "prenduto" instead of "preso," so I don't think I'll be getting 100%). Otherwise, the week itself wasn't very eventful. I did make dinner for myself every night this week, which I was very proud of :)
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Nathalie and myself at Astor |
Yesterday, Nathalie and I went on our weekly "no-class-thursday" date to the Oil Shoppe and got delicious paninis. Mine was wicked spicy so my nose was running and my eyes were watering but it was so good I couldn't stop. Then we went shopping (at the Italian H&M) and I spent a little more than I had intended too, but got some wonderful, European going-out clothes. I spent the rest of yesterday lounging around the apartment, did some preparations for projects in the future and watched copious amounts of Glee!
Last night, Rach and I crossed the river and went over to Meg and Nat's before we went out. We left around 11 and crossed back over to go to Bacco Wine Bar near Santa Croce. The place was packed but we saw a lot of PC kids there so it was a blast. We then went to Red Garter and got some free popcorn and ended our night at Lochness. Of course, we made a quick stop at the secret bakery before going home and I feasted on two freshly baked, warm and gooey chocolate croissants.
burgerrsss |
Afterwards we wandered around and bought cheap masks to wear at Carnevale tomorrow, since they are going to be outrageously overpriced in Venice. I also made my first Italian leather purchase! I got a brown leather over the shoulder bag that is perfect for day trips and the lady was so sweet and gave us discounts since we're American students, only 20 euro! Now, I'm back at the apartment chilling, probably going to take a nap or watch more Glee!.. So many possibilities..
Also, really quick- if you haven't signed this petition, I think it's a really good cause to look into-
Here's the email I sent some of you with the info:
So since I'm in Italy I don't get to watch the news or even get updates on Yahoo! (it's italian Yahoo!) here, so today I FINALLY got a chance to sit down and read about the controversy surrounding Planned Parenthood. Congress is voting on a bill to cut all federal funding whatsoever to Planned Parenthood next week, due to the fact that Planned Parenthood is a facility that performs abortions. However, no federal funding is allocated to abortions and in fact, only 3% of all Planned Parenthood's services are abortions. The majority of their services include information to contraception, access to contraception, treatment and information for STDs, cancer screenings, not to mention a safe house for American women of all different backgrounds. So, if Congress cuts all federal funding, THESE services will be jeopardized. I signed the petitions this morning and I strongly encourage you to do the same! I think this is a very pressing and important issue. I know that Planned Parenthood has helped many of my friends and I don't think future generations should be robbed of those opportunities. At the least, read the info over and consider it! Thank you!
Here's the link for the petition to Congress:
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