Anyways, I just finished my longest day of classes and I'm exhausted! Yesterday I only had one class: History of Photography, which I really, really liked. My teacher is a native Florentine but she lived in the states for a number of years and is married to an American. She rides a moped (which I thought was awesome!) and had very fashionable clothing that I wanted to buy. When she took attendance she pronounced my name correctly!! This has actually been happening a LOT here, (I've been waiting all my life for people to pronounce Squeglia correctly!) but she asked if my family was originally from Italy. When I told her yes she asked from where. I told her Caserta and her face lit up. She insisted that I make my way down to Caserta and visit the "most beautiful palace she has ever seen." So I definitely need to keep that in the back of my mind :) Her class was pretty boring (we had to go over the syllabus and she wanted to get the technical things out of the way), which she warned us about but I'm really excited to learn more about photography!
Then last night, the roomies, Meg, Nat, Ryann and I went out for an apertivo!.. Which turned into a dance party later on at the Red Garter. It was a blast, we were all together, watching people do karaoke and we were all just singing along and dancing. I didn't stay out too late, since I knew today was my long day, but I was still tired all day. Guess that will be my last Tuesday going out.. haha maybe..
So today, I had my first class at noon: Ethics in a World Context. About half the class was composed of PC kids so it was nice to see some familiar faces! My teacher is extremely awkward, with a very dry sense of humor that I found hilarious. We took some funny "morality" tests in the computer lab across the street and got out early. I ran home and made a quick sandwich before my next class at 3: Gender Relations in Italian Society. My roommate Steph and Annie from PC are both in the class so I was happy to know people. The class was held right by the Duomo on Via dell'Oriuolo in this lecture hall that is completely covered in snake skin. Hilarious but wonderful! My teacher was also a native Florentine but a big traveler and she spoke English beautifully. Unfortunately she kept us until 530 but I think her class will quickly become my favorite!
After that class, I had a half hour to kill before going across the hall to my Italian class. So I got a ciccolata calda and started chatting with the girl sitting next to me in the waiting area. Haha, Maietta, if you're reading this she was from Long Island and I said I knew someone from West Islip! Then I went into Italian and once again sat in the room while she spoke Italian and tried my best to comprehend what she was saying. I actually answered a question correctly and she said "Perfetto!" which calmed my nerves even though myself and the two other PC girls, Allison and Alessandra (who were in my Italian 101 at PC) are terrified of her class.
Now, I'm finally home, eating leftover lasagna and relaxing. I'm talking to my bestest friend in the whole, wide world- ANGELA JU! Who I keep referring to as Ju and constantly remind my Jewish roomies that I'm really not trying to be offensive (tehe). Love you, Angie <3 Oh and everyone else, I wrote about a thousand postcards yesterday and once I figure out where to get francobolli (stamps) and where the post office is, I will send them out!
So, more updates tomorrow, even though I am done with classes for the week :) Yep, none on Thursdays or Fridays! I have a lot of mini errands to do, so I'll update you all soon!
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